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Bottling solution for water-shortage countries

We offer to our strategic partners a unique opportunity to build high-quality drinking water bottling plants with infrastructure in their water-shortage countries. Our partners could build plants in their regions with a total bottling capacity of up to 46.5 million m3 per year.The drinking water market is growing and its potential is great.The volume of water supplied by Rosvoda natural sources is sufficient to build the biggest bottling plants in the world and introduce to the market a new leading water brand!


Solution of drinking water problems for water-shortage countries

The current supply of natural drinking water is insufficient – the water shortage is growing annually. The demand for drinking water increases dramatically every year.

Water-shortage countries needs to step up efforts to prevent a possible water scarcity caused by a growth in population, immigration and steady expansion in the industrial sector.


We offer large volumes (46.5 million tons per year) of high-quality drinking water of glacial origin – this is a unique opportunity to solve the problem of water-shortage countries with wholesome drinking water.


We are going into local markets of water-shortage countries in partnership with major local players and partners at the national level.


Our partners should be or become regional leaders in their local drinking water markets.


Bottling plants in water-shortage countries

Rosvoda offers to our strategic partners a unique opportunity to build high-quality drinking water bottling plants with infrastructure in their water-shortage countries.


We offer the possibility to supply high-quality drinking water to your own biggest plants in the world, and can assist you in construction of those plants. Partners of Water Trading International will offer high-quality drinking water, bottled in Bag-in-Box packaging, for a very competitive low price with very high profitability. Our partners could supply to the market their water at a lower price than any competitor.


Bag-in-Box (BIB) is a flexible, environmentally friendly packaging format for liquids. It provides a competitive alternative to packaging such as glass bottles, bricks, PET bottles, plastic pails, totes and buckets. Bag-in-Box packaging offers both economic and practical benefits throughout the supply chain: perfect dispensing, major efficiency gains, lower storage costs, increased hygiene and longer shelf life. Bag-in-Box lowers costs and improves efficiency, enabling manufacturers and retailers to gain a competitive advantage.



                  Bag-in-Box packaging




Global annual consumption of bottled water (as of 2011) has reached 261 billion liters, and the growth rate is about 20 billion litres per year. It is expected that by 2020, the world market will exceed 400 billion litres.
The market of water-shortage countries is open for strong players ready to supply large volumes of high-quality drinking water at a reasonable price.



The Humankind will consume healthy drinking water always, in every economic and social condition. The Humankind will be forced to drink natural bottled drinking water in order to survive.


In the near future, drinking water will become one of the most important strategic 

commodities (oil, gas, gold, ect.) in the world. In the near future, drinking water will be the "blue gold".


According to experts, the price of drinking water is expected to explode in the coming years. All the owners of the world's water resources will greatly increase their capital (as oil-producing countries were enriched at the time of the 1973 crisis).


Investment in our high quality drinking-water resources is the best investment opportunity of the century.


Partnership with us is beneficial for all.


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