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High quality of Rosvoda water


Healthy drinking water

Natural water is healthy water.


Drinking water from our sources complies with the highest quality standards. Our proposal is competitive in the world market in terms of volume, price and quality.


Our drinking water is extracted from the underflow sources of clean mountain rivers, from a depth of more than 20 m instead of open or surface reservoirs, which ensures its exclusive safety and high quality.


Our drinking water resources are inexhaustible and sufficient for constant annual production of the target volumes of 46.5 million tons of glacial high-quality water.

Water analysis

Rosvoda water meets all global standards for high-quality drinking water in the following parameters:

1.Physical Quality.

2.Disinfection Residuals/Disinfection By-Products.


4.Inorganic Chemicals.

5.Organic Chemicals, incl. Pesticides, Herbicides, oil products etc.

Rosvoda water meets the following standards of drinking water quality:

1.World Health Organization guidelines.

2.European Union standards -  Drinking Water Directive.

3.United States standards – EPA & FDA.

4.Russian Federation Standards – SanPIN.

It has been proved, that Rosvoda water is high quality drinking water, meeting the standards of drinking water quality, with minimal requirements to water treatment.


Link: Water quality analysis report.

Comparison with leading

water brands

Drinking water from our sources complies with the highest quality standards. Our proposal is competitive in the world market in terms of volume, price and quality.

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